
Posnetki Business Talks / Business Talks Video Clips

EU Business Talks – special year-end networking edition

Ta dogodek je bil priložnost za predstavitev za več kot 20 podjetnic in podjetnikov, naših rednih udeležencev na preteklih dogodkih.

This event has provided an introduction opportunity for more than 20 businesswomen and businessmen, our regular participants at past events.

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EU Business Talks: Portugalska / Portugal

Tokratni gost je bil Henrique Burnay, partner v podjetju Eupportunity, s pisarnama v Bruslju in Lizboni. Podjetje se ukvarja s svetovanjem na treh glavnih področjih: lobiranjem, evropskimi instrumenti financiranja in internacionalizacijo, vse troje preko priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo razpisi in javna naročila različnih programov Evropske komisije in drugih organizacij v Bruslju.

Guest of honour was Henrique Burnay, managing partner of Eupportunity, European Affairs Consutling firm, with offices in Brussels and Lisbon. They are active in three major areas: advocacy and public affairs; European financing instruments; and internationalization through opportunities generated by the external cooperation funds and by EU public procurement.

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EU Business Talks: Latvija / Latvia

Tokratni gost je bil Normunds Bergs, izvršni direktor podjetja SAF Tehnika s sedežem v Rigi v Latviji. Podjetje je proizvajalec opreme za mikrovalovni prenos podatkov od točke do točke. V samo enem desetletju delovanja je postalo globalno, pokriva različne tržne segmente in izvaža v preko 100 držav.

Guest of honour was Normunds Bergs, CEO at SAF Tehnika, based in Riga, Latvia. Company is a unique manufacturer of point-to-point microwave data transmission equipment. It had become a global reach company within just a decade, covering all relevant market segments and deploying its products in more than 100 countries worldwide.

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EU Business Talks: Švedska / Sweden

Tokratni gost je bil Tomas Öhman, lastnik in direktor podjetja Point 65° N Sweden, s sedežem v mestu Solna na Švedskem. Specializirano je za nahrbtnike, kajake in izdelke za veslanje. Njihovi izdelki se prodajajo po vsem svetu, njihov zaščitni znak je inovativnost.

Guest of honour was Tomas Öhman, owner & CEO of Point 65° N Sweden, based in Solna, Sweden, Company is a leading outdoor specialising at backpacks, kayaks and offers a wide range of paddle sport products. Today their products are sold all over the world and innovation is still their hallmark.

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EU Business Talks: Francija / France

Tokratni gost je bil Bruno Constans, direktor marketinga in inovacij v GEFCO Group, s sedežem v Parizu v franciji. Podjetje ima več kot 70-letno tradicijo in je danes glavni igralec v avtomobilski logistiki v celotni Evropi in med desetimi glavnimi podjetji na področju multimodalnih rešitev dobavnih verig na globalnem nivoju. Celotna skupina zaposluje 11.500 ljudi, ima 47 hčerinskih podjetij po celem svetu in dosega letni promet v višini 3,8 milijard EUR.

Guest of honour was Bruno Constans, Group Marketing & Innovation Director at GEFCO Group, headquartered in Paris, France. Building on 70 years of long tradition the GEFCO Group today is the European leader in automotive logistics, and a top 10 global partner in multimodal supply chain solutions. The whole group employs 11,500 people in 47 countries and reaches an annual turnover of 3,8 billion EUR.

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EU Business Talks: Ciper / Cyprus

Tokratna gostja je bila Sofia Miltiadou, direktorica komerciale v podjetju Charalambides Christis s sedežem v Nikoziji na Cipru. Podjetje je največji proizvajalec na področju mlekarskih izdelkov v državi, prav tako je aktivno na področju uvoza in distribucije. Izvaža v preko 30 držav in kot tak predstavlja največjega ciprskega izvoznika na področju prehrambnih izdelkov.

Guest of honour was Sofia Miltiadou, Commercial General Manager at Charalambides Christis based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Company is the largest and oldest dairy manufacturer in the country, as well as the top leader in food production, imports and distribution. The quality of Charalambides Christis is internationally recognized with the company actively exporting in more than 32 countries, making it the largest exporting company in the food industry in Cyprus.

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EU Business Talks: Poljska / Poland

Tokratni gost je bil Piotr Kaczor, izvršni direktor skupine Avia Prime Group, s sedežem v Varšavi na Poljskem. Podjetje se ukvarja z vzdrževanjem, popravilom in prenovo letal. Ima tri hčerinske družbe: Adria Tehnika, JAT Tehnika in LINETECH. Podjetje zagotavlja svoje storitve na naslednjih vrstah letal: Boeing 737 Classic, NG & MAX; Airbus A320 CEO & NEO; Airbus A330; Mitshubishi RJ Family; Embraer EMB & ERJ; ATR 42 & 72; Sukhoi SSJ 100, Bombardier Challenger CL – 604. So pooblaščeni servisni center za Bombardier, Airbus in – kar je nepomembnejše, imajo zaupanje najuglednejših letalskih družb in operaterjev v Evropi.

Guest of honour was Piotr Kaczor, CEO at Avia Prime Group, based in Warsaw, Poland. Company is in maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft business and is consisted of three daughter companies: Adria Tehnika, JAT Tehnika and LINETECH. Company provides maintenance on the following aircraft: Boeing 737 Classic, NG & MAX; Airbus A320 CEO & NEO; Airbus A330; Mitshubishi RJ Family; Embraer EMB & ERJ; ATR 42 & 72; Sukhoi SSJ 100, Bombardier Challenger CL – 604. Their thorough experience is backed up with the certificates - such as Bombardier Authorized Service Center, Airbus MRO Provider – and, most importantly, the trust of the most reputable airlines and operators in Europe.

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EU Business Talks: Danska / Denmark

Tokratni gost je bil Lars Lindkov, izvršni direktor in lastnik podjetja Lindskov Communication, s sedežem v Roskildeju in s pisarnami v Odeseju in Aarhusu. Podjetje je komunikacijska agencija s polno paleto storitev iz svoje dejavnosti. Njene stranke segajo široko, od lokalnih obratov za proizvodnjo bioplina, vse do nordijskih in mednarodnih korporacij, ki kotirajo na borzi. Agencija je članica danske gospodarske zbornice, združenja danske industrije in članica mreže agencij Comvort, ki jo sestavlja več kot 80 agencij, v več kot 50 državah.

Guest of honour was CEO Lars Lindskov, owner of Lindskov Communication, based in Roskilde, Greater Copenhagen and with offices in Odense and Aarhus. Lindskov is a full-service communication agency, providing a wide range of communication disciplines. The clients range widely – from the local biogas facility plant and national companies to Nordic and international, listed corporations. The agency is a member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, Creative Circle and Danish Industry. Internationally, Lindskov is member of the global Comvort agency network, which consists of more than 80 owner-managed agencies in more than 50 countries.

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EU Business Talks: Litva / Lithuania

Tokratni gost je bil Justinas Taruška, izvršni direktor podjetja NANDO, s sedežem v Kaunasu v Litvi. Podjetje proizvaja in razvija funkcionalne kmetijske dodatke, s poudarkom na pomožnih in mikrobioloških izdelkih. Podjetje dobavlja kemične surovine za različne sektorje, med drugim za živilsko industrijo, proizvodnjo kozmetike, gospodinjske kemikalije, proizvodnjo barvil ter predelavo kovin.

Guest of honour was Justinas Taruška, CEO at NANDO, based in Kaunas, Lithuania. Company produces and technologically develops functional agriculture additives, focusing on adjuvants and microbiological products for manuter treatment and industrial applications, having their own R&D center and exports to 15+ countries.

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EU Business Talks: Avstrija / Austria

Tokratni gostja je bila Lisa-Marie Fassl, so-ustanoviteljica in direktorica Female Founders, s sedežem na Dunaju v Avstriji. Njena organizacija je vodeči evropski eko-sistem za podjetnice, ki rešuje vprašanja razlik med spoloma z zagotavljanjem dostopa do financiranja podjetij, ki jih vodijo ženske.

Guest of honour was Lisa-Marie Fassl, Co-Founder and CEO of Female Founders, based in Vienna, Austria. Company offers leading European eco-system for entrepreneurial women, solving the gender gap issue by providing access to funding for female-led ventures.

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EU Business Talks: Madžarska / Hungary

Tokratni gost je bil László Bódi, izvršni direktor v podjetju Halbo mce Plc., s sedežem v Miskolcu na Madžarskem. Podjetje se ukvarja s cevovodnimi sistemi in inženirsko opremo, pri čemer njihova dejavnost sega od priprave projekta do same realizacije in končne namestitve. Njihove reference vključujejo projekte v več kot 20-ih državah po Evropi in Aziji.

Guest of honour was László Bódi, CEO at Halbo mce Plc., headquartered in Miskolc, Hungary. Company is in piping systems and engineering equipment business, their activities ranging from project management to the final installation. Their references include projects in more than 20 countries in Europe and Asia.

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EU Business Talks: Italija / Italy

Tokratni gost je bil Enzo DiStefano, Marketing Manager v podjetju Idea3 d.o.o., s sedežem v Portorožu. Podjetje se ukvarja z uvozom slovenskih in drugih tujih proizvodov s področja prehrambne industrije na italijanski trg.

Guest of honour was Enzo DiStefano, Marketing Manager at Idea3, from Trieste, Italy. Company is in food trading business, representing foreign brands from food sector on Italian market. Company has well established cooperation with large retail chains like Coop, Conad group, Vega Group, Bosco and others.

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EU Business Talks: Irska / Ireland

Tokratni gost je bil Peter Brennan, Izvršni direktor podjetja Mason Technology Ltd iz Dublina na Irskem. Družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 1780, je vodilno irsko podjetje na področju uporabnih znanstvenih aplikacij za medicinsko, industrijsko, akademsko in prehrambno industrijo. Podjetje ima trdna partnerstva z nekaterimi pomembnimi globalnimi blagovnimi znamkami na področju kromatografije, spektroskopije, mikroskopije, biotehnologije, vakuumskih sistemov ter laboratorijske in tehtalne opreme.

Guest of honour was Peter Brennan, Managing Director at Mason Technology Ltd from Dublin, Ireland. A family-owned company, founded in 1780, is one of Ireland’s leading scientific solutions providers offering complete application solutions to the Scientific, Medical, Industrial, Academic and Food Science markets. Company has developed solid partnerships with some of the world’s leading brands in Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Microscopy, Biotechnology, Vacuum Systems and Laboratory and Industrial Weighing equipment.

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EU Business Talks – special networking edition

Ta dogodek je bil priložnost za predstavitev za več kot 30 podjetnic in podjetnikov, naših rednih udeležencev na preteklih dogodkih.

This event has provided an introduction opportunity for more than 30 businesswomen and businessmen, our regular participants at past events.

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EU Business Talks: Slovaška

Tokratni gost je bil Alexander Horvath, podpredsednik v podjetju CSM Industry, s sedežem v Tisovcu na Slovaškem. Podjetje je proizvajalec več-namenskih teleskopskih bagerjev za obrambno industrijo. V 50-ih letih obstoja so jih naredili preko 30 tisoč in izvozili po celem svetu.

Guest of honour was Alexander Horvath, Vice-President at CSM Industry, headquartered in Tisovec, Slovakia. Company is a manufacturer of multi-purpose telescopic excavator for the defense sector. In 50 years of existence, company has produced more than 30.000 construction machines and exported them to entire world.

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EU Business Talks: Nemčija

Tokratni gost je bil Andreas Dressler, direktor podjetja FDI Center, s sedežem v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Podjetje se ukvarja s svetovanjem podjetjem, državam, FDI agencijam, gospodarskim zonam na področju tujih neposrednih investicij. Njegovo hčerinsko podjetje Location Decisions deluje na področju izbire primernih investicijskih lokacij za tuje globalne organizacije.

Guest of honour was Andreas Dressler, Managing Director at FDI Center, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Company is a leading advisory firm in the field of foreign direct investment. They work around the world with companies, governments, FDI agencies, economic zones and have experience in delivering investment attraction results in all major geographic regions. Their subsidiary Location Decisions is one of the only dedicated location advisory and site selection consulting firms in Europe and works with companies from all industries to identify the best locations and sites for new corporate facilities.

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EU Business Talks: Grčija

Gost poslovnega klepeta je bil Nikolas Takas, podpredsednik v podjetju Thermi Group, s sedežem v Solunu. Podjetje investira v napredne tehnologije in inovativne produkte na področju obnovljivih virov energije. Pri tem aktivno sodelujejo z domačimi in tujimi deležniki na področju raziskav in razvoja. V ta namen upravljajo s posebnim skladom tveganega kapitala, prvim in edinim na območju severne Grčije. Nikolas Takas je aktivno udeležen pri investiranju v več kot 20 start-up in MSP podjetij v dejavnostih ICT, biotehnologija, energetika in gradbeništvo. Je član izvršilnih odborov Federacije industrialcev Severne Grčije ter Gospodarske zbornice Solun.

The guest of honour was Nikolas Takas, Vice-President at Thermi Group, based in Thesalloniki, Greece. The company invests in advanced technologies and innovative products of new technologically innovative companies, in cooperation with Greek of foreign researchers. It manages the first and only Venture Capital Fund in northern Greece, that invests in renewable energy projects and small and medium innovative companies. Nikolas Takas has been actively engaged with investments in start-ups and SMEs in sectors such as ICT, Biotechnology, Energy. He’s a BoD member of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, a BoD member of the Thessaloniki CCI and acts as the Managing Director of more than 20 companies in the energy, ICT and construction sectors.

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EU Business Talks - Romunija

Gost je bil Eliodor Apostolescu, izvršni direktor v Phoenixy Group, s sedežem v mestu Baicoi v Romuniji. Podjetje je največji proizvajalec koruznih flipsov z arašidi v Romuniji in eden največjih v Evropi. V lanskem letu je ustvarilo preko 32 milijonov EUR prometa in izvažalo v preko 30 držav po celem svetu. Poleg osnovne dejavnosti se ukvarjajo tudi s strojnimi izdelki in logistiko.

Guest of honour was Eliodor Apostolescu, Managing Director at Phoenixy Group, based in Baicoi, Romania, the largest corn puffs producer in Romania, and one of the largest in Europe. The company generated over EUR 32 million in revenues in 2020 and is exporting its products to 30+ countries worldwide. Apart from their core business, the company is also active in machine parts and logistics businesses.

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EU Business Talks - Estonija

Tokratni gost je bil Taavi Rõivas, predsednik v podjetju Auve-Tech, s sedežem v Talinu v Estoniji. Podjetje je usmerjeno v razvoj in proizvodnjo avtonomnih transportnih sistemov. So eno izmed prvih podjetij na globalni ravni, katerih avtonomna vozila že vozijo po obstoječi infrastrukturi na javnih površinah.
Pred vstopom v privatni sektor je bil Taavi predsednik vlade Estonije med letoma 2014 in 2016 in pred tem minister za socialne zadeve med letoma 2012 in 2014. Diplomiral je iz poslovne administracije in marketinga na Univerzi v Tartuju.

Guest of honour was Taavi Rõivas, Chairman at Auve-Tech, based in Tallinn, Estonia, which is specialized in development and manufacturing of autonomous transportation systems. Company is behind world’s most compact and flexible level 4 autonomous shuttle that suits into the existing infrastructure and operates on public roads already today.
Before entering business, Taavi was a Prime Minister of Estonia from 2014 to 2016 and the Minister of Social Affairs from 2012 to 2014. He graduated from Tallinn Secondary Science School and from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu in international economics and marketing.

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EU Business Talks - Španija

Gost je bil Braulio Quintana, operativni vodja pri podjetju Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), s sedežem na Kanarskih otokih v Španiji. Podjetje se ukvarja z načrtovanjem RF in mikrovalovnih integriranih vezij (čipov) za področje telekomunikacij, vesolja in obrambe. Tesno sodeluje z organizacijami na področju raziskav in razvoja (R&D), evropskimi podjetji in univerzami, pri razvoju »state-of-the-art« integriranih vezij. Podjetje je do sedaj sodelovalo pri več EU podprtih projektih in je sicer del skupine Celestia Technologies Group. Braulio je diplomiral iz ekonomije in prava na Univerzi Las Palmas na Kanarskih otokih.

Guest of honour was Braulio Quintana, Operations Manager at Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), based in the Canary Islands, Spain. WIMMIC is a fabless RF and microwave integrated circuits design house founded in 2017 with strong ties to the Academia and R&D, and part of the Celestia Technologies Group. The company performs custom chip designs for different applications such as Telecommunications, Space and Defense. Since its creation, WIMMIC has been part of several European funded projects. Therefore, they work closely with other European companies, Universities and R&D institutions in state-of-the-art designs. Braulio holds degrees in Law and Business Administration from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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EU Business Talks - Bolgarija

Gost poslovnega klepeta je bil Rumen Iliev, partner v podjetju LAUNCHUB Ventures, s sedežem v Sofiji v Bolgariji. Podjetje ima naložbeni sklad tveganega kapitala v vrednosti 70 milijonov EUR, ki se od leta 2021 usmerja na naložbe v tehnološka podjetja v jugovzhodni Evropi. V njihovem portfelju so že podjetja iz področja programske opreme, finančnih storitev, nepremičnin, zdravstva, industrije zabave in drugih. Rumen je generalist, ki se osredotoča na naložbe, sodeluje s portfeljskimi podjetji pri rasti, financiranju in izstopih.

Guest of honour was Rumen Iliev, partner at LAUNCHUB Ventures, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company is a 70 mil EUR early stage venture fund focused on investing into technology companies in South East Europe since 2012. Their portfolio of companies is already transforming enterprise software, financial services, property, healthcare, e-commerce, productivity, entertainment and many other areas.

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EU Business Talks - Malta

Gost tretjega poslovnega klepeta je bil Hugh Arrigo, direktor podjetja Attard & Co Group Ltd s sedežem v Valetti na Malti. Podjetje je zasebno družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno pred stotimi leti in se ukvarja s prehransko in vinarsko industrijo, logistiko, forenzično opremo in rešitvami, finančnim svetovanjem, gradbenimi materiali, opremo za energetsko učinkovitost, farmacevtsko, laboratorijsko in medicinsko opremo, itd.

Guest of honour was Hugh Arrigo, Director of Attard & Co Group Ltd from Valetta, Malta. Company is a private family run business, established one hundred years ago and having more than 200 employees today. It operates mainly the Food and Wine industry, Logistics, Forensic Equipment and Solutions, Financial Advisory and Consultation, Building Materials, Energy Efficiency Equipment, Consulting and Audit Services, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory and Medical equipment, among more others.

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EU Business Talks - Hrvaška

Gost drugega poslovnega klepeta je bil Berislav Čižmek, ustanovitelj in direktor podjetja CBBS d.o.o. s sedežem v Zagrebu na Hrvaškem. Podjetje se ukvarja s poslovnim svetovanjem, M&A, internacionalizacijo in lobiranjem, tako na nacionalnem kot tudi na EU nivoju. Berislav Čižmek je podjetnik, akreditirani lobist pri EU parlamentu, povezovalec in predavatelj podjetništva, z več kot 25 let izkušenj pri mednarodnem poslovanju.

The guest of honour was Berislav Čižmek, Founder & CEO of management consulting, brokerage and EU lobbying company CBBS Ltd based in Zagreb, Croatia. The company is specialized in business transfer/M&A, internationalization of the business and lobbying at the national and EU level. They are working closely with Croatian and Central/SE European companies in the business development and strategic partnerships with different EU & international players focused on the Central and SE European Region. Berislav Čižmek is an entrepreneur, accredited lobbyist at the European Parliament, matchmaker and coach/teacher of entrepreneurship, with more than 25 years in the international business.

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EU Business Talks - Belgija

Gost poslovnega klepeta je bil Fred Dekens, generalni direktor iz Antwerpna v Belgiji. Podjetje je marketinška in spletna agencija, ki skrbi za celostno podobo svojih poslovnih partnerjev. Uvodoma je udeležence nagovorila dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše, vodja Predstavništva Evropske komisije v Sloveniji.

Guest of honour was Fred Dekens (45), Managing Director of from Antwerp, Belgium. The company is a super-creative marketing and storytelling agency, with offices in Amsterdam and Antwerp. They build websites and web shops and they take care of the perfect copywriting on the websites. At the beginning of the first EU Business Talks participants will be addressed by Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše, Head of the European Commission Representative Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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