Gost poslovnega klepeta je bil Fred Dekens, generalni direktor TheBabyCries.be iz Antwerpna v Belgiji. Podjetje je marketinška in spletna agencija, ki skrbi za celostno podobo svojih poslovnih partnerjev. Uvodoma je udeležence nagovorila dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše, vodja Predstavništva Evropske komisije v Sloveniji. / Guest of honour was Fred Dekens (45), Managing Director of TheBabyCries.be from Antwerp, Belgium. The company is a super-creative marketing and storytelling agency, with offices in Amsterdam and Antwerp. They build websites and web shops and they take care of the perfect copywriting on the websites. At the beginning of the first EU Business Talks participants will be addressed by Dr. Jerneja Jug Jerše, Head of the European Commission Representative Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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