

EU Business Talks: Malta


Slovenija predseduje Svetu Evropske unije v drugi polovici leta. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije bo v tem času organizirala pogovore s poslovneži iz vseh 27 držav članic, vsak teden iz ene države članice.

Vabljeni, da se udeležite naslednjega poslovnega klepeta »EU BUSINESS TALKS«, ki bo v torek, 20. julija 2021 ob 14. uri po slovenskem času.

Gost bo Hugh Arrigodirektor podjetja Attard & Co Group Ltd s sedežem v Valetti na Malti. Podjetje je zasebno družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno pred 100 leti in  ki se ukvarja s prehransko in vinarsko industrijo, logistiko, forenzično opremo in rešitvami, finančnim svetovanjem, gradbeni materiali, opremo za energetsko učinkovitost, farmacevtsko, laboratorijsko in medicinsko opremo, itd.

Hugh Arrigo je v podjetju zaposlen zadnjih petintrideset let. Bil je član mnogih odborov, nazadnje je bil izvoljen za podpredsednika malteške gospodarske zbornice. Aktiven je tudi v okviru Libijske malteške gospodarske zbornice. Prav tako je ustanovni član Malteško kitajske gospodarske zbornice.

Pogovor bo trajal 30 minut in bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Vašo udeležbo lahko potrdite tukaj. Vsem prijavljenim udeležencem bomo poslali ZOOM povezavo en dan pred dogodkom.


Slovenia is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2021. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia will contribute its part by, among others, talking to businessmen and businesswomen from all 27 member states, one per week.

We will be organizing next in the EU BUSINESS TALKS meeting series on Tuesday, 20th July 2021 at 2pm CET (GMT+1).

Guest of honour will be Hugh Arrigo, Director of Attard & Co Group Ltd from Valetta, Malta. Company is a private family run business, established one hundred-years ago and having more than 200 employees today. It operates mainly the Food and Wine industry, Logistics, Forensic Equipment and Solutions, Financial Advisory and Consultation, Building Materials, Energy Efficiency Equipment, Consulting and Audit Services, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory and Medical equipment, among more others.

Hugh Arrigo has been with the family business for the past thirty-five years. He has served on many boards and most recently he was elected as the vice president of the Malta Chamber. He is active within the Libya Malta Chamber of Commerce. He was also a founder member of the Malta China Chamber of Commerce.

The event will last 30 minutes and will be held in English via ZOOM platform. If you wish to take part, register here. The ZOOM link will be sent to all registered participants one day prior to the event.
