Tokratni gost bo Lars Lindkov, izvršni direktor in lastnik podjetja Lindskov Communication, s sedežem v Roskildeju in s pisarnami v Odeseju in Aarhusu. Podjetje je komunikacijska agencija s polno paleto storitev iz svoje dejavnosti. Njene stranke segajo široko, od lokalnih obratov za proizvodnjo bioplina, vse do nordijskih in mednarodnih korporacij, ki kotirajo na borzi. Agencija je članica danske gospodarske zbornice, združenja danske industrije in članica mreže agencij Comvort, ki jo sestavlja več kot 80 agencij, v več kot 50 državah. Lars ima več kot 30 let izkušenj na področju prodaje, komunikacije in upravljanja. Poleg poklicnega udejstvovanja je tudi aktiven politik. Je član mestnega sveta Roskilde, predsednik skupine Konservative ljudske stranke. Pred tem je bil zaposlen kot politični asistent v Evropskem parlamentu in močno verjame v skupni evropski trg in Evropsko unijo.
Pogovor bo trajal 30 minut in bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Vašo udeležbo lahko potrdite tukaj. Vsem prijavljenim udeležencem bomo poslali ZOOM povezavo en dan pred dogodkom.
Vse do sedaj izvedene poslovne klepete »EU BUSINESS TALKS« si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Guest of honour will be CEO Lars Lindskov, owner of Lindskov Communication, based in Roskilde, Greater Copenhagen and with offices in Odense and Aarhus. Lindskov is a full-service communication agency, providing a wide range of communication disciplines. The clients range widely – from the local biogas facility plant and national companies to Nordic and international, listed corporations. The agency is a member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, Creative Circle and Danish Industry. Internationally, Lindskov is member of the global Comvort agency network, which consists of more than 80 owner-managed agencies in more than 50 countries. Lars holds more than 30 years of experience in sales, communication and management. Beside his professional life he is an active politician. He is member of Roskilde City Council, where he is chairman of the Committee for Business, Growth and Globalization, chairman of Conservative People's Party’s group and among other trusted posts, he is member of the board for the Destination Management Organisation, VisitFjordlandet. He has formerly been employed as political assistant at The European Parliament and is a strong believer in the European Common Market and the European Union.
The event will last 30 minutes and will be held in English via ZOOM platform. If you wish to take part, register here. The ZOOM link will be sent to all registered participants one day prior to the event.
All previous EU Business Talks sessions are available here.