Vabljeni, da se udeležite naslednjega poslovnega klepeta »EU BUSINESS TALKS«, ki se bo odvijal v torek, 7. decembra 2021 ob 14. uri po slovenskem času. Tokratni gost bo Henrique Burnay, partner v podjetju Eupportunity, s pisarnama v Bruslju in Lizboni. Podjetje se ukvarja s svetovanjem na treh glavnih področjih: lobiranjem, evropskimi instrumenti financiranja in internacionalizacijo, vse troje preko priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo razpisi in javna naročila različnih programov Evropske komisije in drugih organizacij v Bruslju. Henrique je tudi gostujoči profesor na Instituto de Estudos Políticos at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, kjer predava o evropskih javnih politikah. Prav tako je predaval o lobiranju na Porto Business School at Universidade do Porto. V preteklosti je bil politični svetovalec v portugalskem parlamentu in v evropskem parlamentu ter svetovalec za odnose z javnostmi nekdanjega ministra za pravosodje.
Pogovor bo trajal 30 minut in bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
Vašo udeležbo lahko potrdite tukaj. Vsem prijavljenim udeležencem bomo poslali ZOOM povezavo en dan pred dogodkom.
Vse do sedaj izvedene poslovne klepete »EU BUSINESS TALKS« si lahko ogledate tukaj.
We will be organizing next in the EU BUSINESS TALKS meeting series on Tuesday, 7th of December 2021 at 2pm CET. Guest of honour will be Henrique Burnay, managing partner of Eupportunity, European Affairs Consutling firm, with offices in Brussels and Lisbon. They are active in three major areas: advocacy and public affairs; European financing instruments; and internationalization through opportunities generated by the external cooperation funds and by EU public procurement. Henrique is, apart from his role at Eupportunity, also a guest professor at Instituto de Estudos Políticos at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where he lectures on European Public Policies. Henrique also lectured on Lobbying at Porto Business School at Universidade do Porto. Henrique was a political adviser in the Portuguese Parliament and in the European Parliament and a press advisor for the Minister of Justice.
The event will last 30 minutes and will be held in English via ZOOM platform. If you wish to take part, register here. The ZOOM link will be sent to all registered participants one day prior to the event.
All previous EU Business Talks sessions are available here.