

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Madžarska / Hungary

5. oktober ob 14. uri / 5 October at 2 pm CET

Tokratni gost bo László Bódi, izvršni direktor v podjetju Halbo mce Plc., s sedežem v Miskolcu na Madžarskem. Podjetje se ukvarja s cevovodnimi sistemi in inženirsko opremo, pri čemer njihova dejavnost sega od priprave projekta do same realizacije in končne namestitve. Njihove reference vključujejo projekte v več kot 20-ih državah po Evropi in Aziji.

Guest of honour will be László Bódi, CEO at Halbo mce Plc., headquartered in Miskolc, Hungary. Company is in piping systems and engineering equipment business, their activities ranging from project management to the final installation. Their referencesinclude projects in more than 20 countries in Europe and Asia.

EU Business Talks: Italija / Italy

28. september ob 14. uri / 28 September at 2 pm CET

Tokratni gost bo Enzo DiStefano, Marketing Manager v podjetju Idea3 d.o.o., s sedežem v Portorožu. Podjetje se ukvarja z uvozom slovenskih in drugih tujih proizvodov s področja prehrambne industrije na italijanski trg.

Guest of honour will be Enzo DiStefano, Marketing Manager at Idea3, from Trieste, Italy. Company is in food trading business, representing foreign brands from food sector on Italian market. Company has well established cooperation with large retail chains like Coop, Conad group, Vega Group, Bosco and others.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Irska / Ireland

21. september ob 14. uri / 21 September at 2 pm CET

Tokratni gost bo Peter Brennan, Izvršni direktor podjetja Mason Technology Ltd iz Dublina na Irskem. Družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 1780, je vodilno irsko podjetje na področju uporabnih znanstvenih aplikacij za medicinsko, industrijsko, akademsko in prehrambno industrijo. Podjetje ima trdna partnerstva z nekaterimi pomembnimi globalnimi blagovnimi znamkami na področju kromatografije, spektroskopije, mikroskopije, biotehnologije, vakuumskih sistemov ter laboratorijske in tehtalne opreme.

Guest of honour will be Peter Brennan, Managing Director at Mason Technology Ltd from Dublin, Ireland. A family-owned company, founded in 1780, is one of Ireland’s leading scientific solutions providers offering complete application solutions to the Scientific, Medical, Industrial, Academic and Food Science markets. Company has developed solid partnerships with some of the world’s leading brands in Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Microscopy, Biotechnology, Vacuum Systems and Laboratory and Industrial Weighing equipment.

EU Business Talks: Slovaška

7. september / 7th of September 2021

Tokratni gost bo Alexander Horvath, podpredsednik v podjetju CSM Industry, s sedežem v Tisovcu na Slovaškem. Podjetje je proizvajalec več-namenskih teleskopskih bagerjev za obrambno industrijo. V 50-ih letih obstoja so jih naredili preko 30 tisoč in izvozili po celem svetu.

Guest of honour will be Alexander Horvath, Vice-President at CSM Industry, headquartered in Tisovec, Slovakia. Company is a manufacturer of multi-purpose telescopic excavator for the defense sector. In 50 years of existence, company has produced more than 30.000 construction machines and exported them to entire world.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Nemčija

31. avgust / 31sh of August 2021

Tokratni gost bo Andreas Dressler, direktor podjetja FDI Center, s sedežem v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Podjetje se ukvarja s svetovanjem podjetjem, državam, FDI agencijam, gospodarskim zonam na področju tujih neposrednih investicij. Njegovo hčerinsko podjetje Location Decisions deluje na področju izbire primernih investicijskih lokacij za tuje globalne organizacije.

Guest of honour will be Andreas Dressler, Managing Director at FDI Center, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Company is a leading advisory firm in the field of foreign direct investment. They work around the world with companies, governments, FDI agencies, economic zones and have experience in delivering investment attraction results in all major geographic regions. Their subsidiary Location Decisions is one of the only dedicated location advisory and site selection consulting firms in Europe and works with companies from all industries to identify the best locations and sites for new corporate facilities.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Grčija

24. avgust / 24th of August 2021

Tokratni gost bo Nikolas Takas, podpredsednik v podjetju Thermi Group, s sedežem v Solunu v Grčiji. Podjetje investira v napredne tehnologije in inovativne produkte na področju obnovljivih virov energije. Pri tem aktivno sodelujejo z domačimi in tujimi deležniki na področju raziskav in razvoja. V ta namen upravljajo s posebnim skladom tveganega kapitala, prvim in edinim na območju severne Grčije.

Guest of honour will be Nikolas Takas, Vice-President at Thermi Group, based in Thesalloniki, Greece. Company invests in advanced technologies and innovative products of new technologically innovative companies, in cooperation with Greek of foreign researchers. It manages the first and only Venture Capital Fund in northern Greece, that invests in renewable energy projects and small and medium innovative companies.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Romunija

17. avgust / 17th of August 2021

Tokratni gost bo Eliodor Apostolescu, izvršni direktor v Phoenixy Group, s sedežem v mestu Baicoi v Romuniji. Podjetje je največji proizvajalec koruznih flipsov z arašidi v Romuniji in eden največjih v Evropi. Podjetje je v lanskem letu ustvarilo preko 32 milijonov EUR prometa in izvažalo v preko 30 držav po celem svetu. Poleg osnovne dejavnosti se ukvarjajo tudi s strojnimi izdelki in logistiko.

Guest of honour will be Eliodor Apostolescu, Managing Director at Phoenixy Group, based in Baicoi, Romania, the largest corn puffs producer in Romania, and one of the largest ones in Europe. The company generated over EUR 32 million in revenues in 2020 and is exporting its products to 30+countries worldwide. Apart from their core business, company is also active in machine parts and logistics businesses.

The slowing down of vaccination dynamics around the world poses a challenge due to a possible new global wave of infections (23 July 2021)

According to the latest data from the New York Times, 3.69 billion doses of vaccines have already been used in the world (48 per 100 people). For most vaccines, two doses are required for immunity. At the top of the scale are Malta (71% of the population vaccinated with two doses) and Iceland (70%). Among the world's major economies, the United Kingdom (54%), China (53%), Spain (51%), Canada (51%) and the United States (49%) are also at the top.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Bolgarija

27. julij / 27 July 2021

Gost bo Rumen Iliev, partner v podjetju LAUNCHUB Ventures, s sedežem v Sofiji v Bolgariji. Podjetje ima naložbeni sklad tveganega kapitala v vrednosti 70 milijonov EUR, ki se od leta 2021 usmerja na naložbe v tehnološka podjetja v jugovzhodni Evropi. V njihovem portfelju so že podjetja iz področja programske opreme, finančnih storitev, nepremičnin, zdravstva, industrije zabave in drugih.

Guest of honour will be Rumen Iliev, partner at LAUNCHUB Ventures, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Company is a 70 mil EUR early stage venture fund focused on investing into technology companies in South East Europe since 2012. Their portfolio of companies is already transforming enterprise software, financial services, property, healthcare, e-commerce, productivity, entertainment and many other areas.

Arhiv: EU Business Talks: Španija

3. avgust / 3rd of August 2021

Gost bo Braulio Quintana, operativni vodja pri podjetju Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), s sedežem na Kanarskih otokih v Španiji. Podjetje se ukvarja z načrtovanjem RF in mikrovalovnih integriranih vezij (čipov) za področje telekomunikacij, vesolja in obrambe. Tesno sodeluje z organizacijami na področju raziskav in razvoja (R&D), evropskimi podjetji in univerzami, pri razvoju »state-of-the-art« integriranih vezij. Podjetje je do sedaj sodelovalo pri več EU podprtih projektih in je sicer del skupine Celestia Technologies Group.

Guest of honour will be Braulio Quintana, Operations Manager at Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), based in the Canary Islands, Spain. WIMMIC is a fabless RF and microwave integrated circuits design house founded in 2017 with strong ties to the Academia and R&D, and part of the Celestia Technologies Group. The company performs custom chip designs for different applications such as Telecommunications, Space and Defense. Since its creation, WIMMIC has been part several European funded projects. Therefore, they work closely with other European companies, Universities and R&D institutions in state-of-the-art designs.